Before Lacey Lane was the Lacey Lane it is known as today, Bec and I started out our Facebook journey with a simple idea called “Sale of the day” We would visit our local fabric store and find a fabric we loved. We would buy as much of it as we could and take it home. We would design the perfect piece to suit the fabric and come up with a “Sale of the day” outfit. With our one sample made we would photograph it on one of our girls, edit the images in a basic app and get ready for the upload. Since we didn’t have a website at this stage we would sell the outfit on Facebook. We would post the picture of the cute outfit with price and size range and ask people to comment below their email address and sizes they wanted to purchase.
With our hearts racing we would sit there and quickly count the numbers as the comments flowed in and once we hit out maximum we would comment “STOP”. Any orders after that had unfortunately missed out. It was a massive thrill and such an amazing feeling watching all the comments coming in of people wanting to purchase our designs. Once we had numbers we would send out manual invoices and start the sewing process. As we told customers their orders would be shipping within two weeks we had no time to waste. We would roll the fabric out on my outside table and layer it up. Draw out the pattern and with our electric cutter bulk cut the pieces. Once everything was cut it was go time! Having 4 kids under 4 between us we had the job of juggling parenting and getting everything made in time. We worked as a solid team and sewed day and night. When I say day and night I am not joking. If you look all the way back to our FB posts from that time you will see me clocking off at around 4 am and Bec clocking on at the same time. Once all the pretties were made we set up our shipping station. With our list of orders and addresses, an envelope and a pen we would send out hundreds of orders. I remember we would fill the back of the car up and head to the local post office with trollies full of parcels to send.
I would definitely say our “Sale of the day” idea really got Lacey Lane off the ground. It wasn’t long before we had sellouts in minutes and then sellouts in seconds!
So as a tribute to the idea we have decided to bring back the “Sale of the day” in a new way. Having a larger customer base now we thought the old way would be way too manual so we have put a twist on it. We will announce a mystery “sale of the day” outfit is coming with all the details except what it is. We will tell you price and size range and you will need to come back with your speedy checking out fingers on the day of release to find out what it is and place your order. The “sale of the day” outfit will be available on our website for the sale price for ONE DAY ONLY. After you have purchased, to keep tradition you can head over to our FB page and SHARE, LIKE and COMMENT on the “SOD” post what you purchased and you will go in the draw to win your entire order for FREE! 5 lucky winners will be chosen on the following business day. Sounds fun right? We are super excited to bring this idea back and can’t wait for you guys to receive your newest "Sale of the day" outfit.
If you were one of the OG Lacey Lane mamas and you were around in the day of sale of the days, we would LOVE for you to share pics of what you managed to get in the comments below <3
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Jessica Casares
November 02, 2018
5 and 1
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Jessica Casares
November 02, 2018
5 and 1